Monday, November 29, 2010

Iran's Nuclear Issue Again

Iran's nuclear issue is once again in the spotlight. Two bombs go off targeting Iran's nuclear scientists, Wikileaks is washing Saudi Arabia's dirty library (its support to strike Iran) in the public, and U.S. government tends to renew concerns on Iran's nuclear intentions (see all the link below). If all these have one thing in common, that is their simultaneousness. 
There are three scenarios connecting the dots.1) Western Powers are bent on destroying Iran's entire nuclear program by any means, hence going mutli-flank (e.g. assassinating scientists), 2) Nuclear talks are ahead (next month), and Western Powers need Iran on its toes to get a good bargain, hence so much hype in the air, 3) Iran' Bushehr nuclear plant is going to go active next month and it could not happen that easily, without first paying a high price. 
see links:

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